Have you got a Bookitit online booking system? Do you know that our software allows you to not only create your agenda, but also to monitor your appointments, clients and your most demanded services? Through the control panel you can access all reports and make a full study of your business.

Why should you use the report panel?

The report panel is the perfect tool to check your business statistics regarding the bookings and online agendas, notifications via SMS and e-mail, the number of appointments and clients and much more. The report panel allows you to do a full follow up on your business easily and quickly, which will help in the proper functioning of your company.

How can statistics help you?

Statistics can help you to verify if Bookitit is really helping you to gain new clients. It can serve as a loyalty method but also to make a study about which percentage of clients make their booking online and which ones on the phone.

It allows you to follow up on which types of services are more demanded amongst your clients and how many times they book them. This will help you to track their preferences and to provide a more personal customer service. Creating a portfolio of clients will give you the opportunity of studying your company which at the same time allows you to innovate and to change your strategy according to your clients’ needs.

In the figure below, you can find a step by step guide of the utilities that are given by the tool. It also helps you to interpret it. From the control panel by clicking on the icon reports we see a dashboard with a summary by section. Within each section, we provide the ” information ” that allows you to filter on criteria such as filter by date, type of report and other aspects of each section button. All reports are can be exported to CSV format (this format is compatible with Excel, it lets you download statistics and it’s possible to print them if you want to).

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1. Customers:

This report offers customers an overview of the success that the reservation system and the online appointment management system offer  your business. It is important to show your your new form of online booking to your customers  for them to become familiar with it. The advantages are numerous; you have less workload of managing appointments and simultaneously your customers will be more satisfied with the ease and availability (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Statistics show that websites offering online booking services are gradually increasing their number of customers through this channel. Another option we give you as stated above is to compare statistics  to other time periods, so you can analyse the short and long term, and if  your level of online appointments during that time period has increased .

To perform the analysis, you need to select the search criteria for your analysis. There are three types of reports: ‘analyze the customer list’, the ‘list of customers that did not have a reservation in the last few days’ and the ‘customer list indicating the number of contracted appointments’.

The client list is very useful to have because it stores the data of your customers. You can view client accessibility depending on whether or not to book through the web .

With the report on customers who did not reserve lately, you can see which customers are the hardest to retain, which allows you to to carry out a commercial strategy to capture them. For example, if there are customers who didn’t use your services for weeks, you can make a call and offer one of your updates, which allows you to perform bonds services or promotion that interests them and which will secure customer loyalty again.

Finally, the report customers contracted number of citations gives you an estimate on what  the most popular services are and to retain your customers. This way, you can provide your customers with the optimal service, which they have proven to like. For example, the analysis of the statistic which shows that the largest percentage of your clients have requested the same service more than once is an indication of quality.

2. Notifications:

To make a report on warnings, again you need to filter by date to narrow down the period you need to analyze. Then you select whether you want the report as to be sent by SMS or email. You can also search notices sent to a specific email or phone.

Moreover, you can control whether notifications and shipments are carried out successfully. This is very useful when a customer feels dissatisfied because it has not received the email or sms reminder. In that case, it is as easy as going to the notice board to see who really sent the appointment reminder.

3. Appointments:

List of appointments calendar: Choosing this option will generate a report that will give you statistics on how many quotes you get for every booking in the time period you want. In case you use multiple agendas, this is a convenient way to see which one works better and if you have numerical differences to address them.

List of appointments slots: With this option you can optimize your time management. This can benefit you in many ways. The peak hours can be perfect to promote a service or offering deals. Therefore, you will not have wasted hours and in the end you will improve your business, since all your hours will become productive.

List of appointments with user data: This section gives you more detailed information. In one glance you can see the data from your employees and besides, you will see the type of services that are provided and the number of times you make them. It will be useful to have a database of your customers. This list is generated automatically every time someone makes an online booking. In addition, knowing the interests and who provides the service for each client will create a friendly and close relationship. This is one of the most positive aspects of generating appointment online , you spend far less time on the phone with the staff dealing with your customers.

4. Agendas:

List of agendas for appointments and services: Through this search criteria, you can make a report about appointments and contracted services. For example, if you own a company that needs several agendas, depending on the employees and the report you want to make it gives you insight into the productivity of each. Through this search you will also see how much room there is for service in each calendar appointments.

List of agendas with hours or total slots available for services: This will be very useful because you can see at a glance which gaps are available for service. As mentioned above , namely peak hours and less influx of customers is critical for a business to run smoothly. Through this tool you can analyze the total slots available per customer and see what services statistics have fewer appointments and what more per agenda. Performing such reports will affect the smooth running of your business.

5. Services:

What services have been booked by your customers ? What are the most popular services? With the panel reports and statistics, you’ll find all these data with three simple steps: selecting the service, calendar and date.

Start analyzing your data and invest in how you manage and optimize your time. This will allow you to offer benefits to your customers and, ultimately to retain their commitment to you.

For more information see step by step our tutorial here.