Nowadays, social network allows more visibility and recognition to both small and large companies. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin… They have become an ideal showcase for promotion and they are considered an effective and inexpensive marketing tool. Bookitit knows about this media revolution that is why we offer now our widget not only to integrate it on your website but also on your Facebook page, all included in the same account.

Widget Bookitit para Facebook

What are the benefits of integrating the widget in Facebook?

Firstly, Facebook exposes your business to hundreds of users  allowing companies to increase and secure customers’loyalty. On the other hand, Social Networks are not only for personal purposes these days, companies have also public pages with the idea of creating a potential client´s database interested in your business. Furthermore, this useful Facebook page integrates apps to be more interactive with your clients. Because these are public pages, they can reach a larger number of  social network users.

We provide a Facebook widget to integrate it into your business page. Take advantage of the visibility through Facebook and offer your customers the possibility to make their appointments directly through social networks; It is easy, fast and saves time only in three steps They can make the appointment directly from your widget.

Go for it and install the Bookitit widget on your Facebook Page and offers an extra service to your costumers. See below the steps to install it in this tutorial.