The Bookitit online booking system highlights because of its versatility. The diverse functions that it has favour the adaptation to different sectors and its simple use allows that anyone can make use of it, without the need of beeing a computing professional.

This week we present the application of the scheduling software in virtual secretaries. That is to say, if you need a program that helps you to manage several centres from just one account, Bookitit is the perfect tool.

The Multicentre version is a functionality of this online booking system that allows you to manage different accounts from a superior administration account. It consists in managing different accounts associated each one of them to a different centre in terms of invoicing, clients, schedules, services and much more.

Each one of these accounts can be managed also individually since they work as an standard individual account. In this way, every accounf can also manage their own services, schedules, calendars, notifications, etc.
One of the many advantages of the Multicentre version is the possibility to obtain total reports of all the accounts altogether. This option is very usefull to know in detail the company’s situation and to apply improvement if it’s necessary.

Let’s take the example of a private health company that has distributed several centre in a same country. Each one of these centres uses Bookitit to manage their appointments with their patients. At the same time, from a superior administration account, it is possible to manage all the centres around the country. In this way, from this superior account it is possible to have a higher control of the company. Besides, with the possibility to get reports, the superior administration account can have a list of all the patients of all the centres altogether.

From the Multicentre version it is also possible to introduce in each centre’s calendar the client’s telephonic appointments. With the Quick Appointment functionality it is possible to introduce the appointments done by telephone quickly and smoothly. So, depending on the chosen service by the client, it will only be possible to choose the calendar and the date which are available in the centre. Each centre will be able to configure their opening hours and the schedules of each calendar, so that when the superior account introduces an appointment in their calendar, it is among the availability of the centre.