Nowadays we cannot find any place where administration processes are not computerized anymore. It is something logic, computerization has simplified many tasks and has helped to optimize work time. Specially, when there is a lot of work to dothe automatization of bureaucratic procedures has been very efective.

This can be put into practice in any sector od field. Today we bring the example of the application of the Bookitit online booking system in universities.

There are plenty of administration procedures that are carried out in the secretaries of the universities because of the large number of students in them. That is because there are already many universities in which some administrative procedures, as the registration or the application of documents, are done completly automized.

In this way, an online appointment software is very useful for this kind of cases. So that students can make their studies registration, document applications or other procedures needed in universities without going to the centre and making long waiting cues, Bookitit is the perfect tool.

Let’s take as an example that a student needs to apply its transcript of records. If the university’s website counts with this online booking and appointment program, the student only would have to select this procedure and it would be shown all the available day and tiem options in which the student could go to take the transcript of records.
Besides, one of the set up options in your Bookitit account is to costumize the message of each service that will be sent to the students when they have make the online appointment. Going back to the last example, in case that it is needed to bring certain documents, such as the ID card, this information can be included in the option of customizing the messange of the service.

On the other side, to avoid absenteeism, our online scheduling system offers the option of sending a reminder of the appointment to the student. This will be send with the anticipation time, that you want and that you will have set up previously, through e-mail or SMS.

How do the students make an online appointment?

So that the university students can make an online booking, you have to include the Bookitit widget in your website previously.

This way, the students will select the procedure they need to do among all the procedures that the university offers. When thay have chosen the procedure they will have to choose, among the available options, the day and time that they want. Finally, they will only have to fill some personal information, such as their name, e-mail or telephone number.

It is that simple and east to make an administration procedure in a university when it counts with an online booking system, such as Bookitit.