One of the inconvenients that happens when a client need a reparation service is the worry about the time that the workshop will need to solve the problem. It is something normal since when the client arrives to the workshop, the employee doesn’t know to which damage is going to face and, generally, the workshop doesn’t have available the needed articles or pieces to make the reparation. In this way, the client must wait to the workshop to make the order of the needed products, wait until the product arrives and wait until the damage is repaired.

All this waiting would be avoided if the workshop would count with an online booking and appoitment system as Bookitit, with which manage the clients appointments.

Bookitit is an online booking software that allows your workshop to have a calendar in which you can configure the opening hours, the employees, the work schedules, the reparation services that offers, among many others.

The main advantage that the online booking program contributes to your workshop is very simple: to know in advance what kind of service the client will need. The clients, in the moment of making an appointment with your workshop will have to point what kind of service they need. So, when the appointment shows up in your workshop’s booking calendar, you will know which is the required service. In this way, in case of need a certain product ehich is not available in the workshop, you will be able to order it in advance so that, when the client arrives, this procedure is streamlined and you get rid of the waiting times.

On the other side, in case that you need to know with certain time in advance about the appointment for a certain reparation service, in each one of the services you will be able to establish with how much time in advance you want that your clients make the booking.
Let’s take as an example a workshop that offers a reparation service for electronic devices. If this workshop works with the Bookitit online booking system, it can introduce all the services that offers. For example: reparation of celphone screens, reparation of tablet secreens, reparation of the charging system, reparation of the celphone camera, reparation of the celphone sound system, etc.

From your centre website or from social networks (Facebook, Instagram), and once you have the widget or the independent links for the booking integrated, the client will proceed to make the appointment with your centre. To the client it will be shown all the services you have introduced to your account previously. The clients will select the ones they need and automatically there will appear the available dates to make the booking. That means that, if the clients have applied the reparation of their celphone screen and your workshop need to know with a week in advance about this appointment to, for example, order the needed articles to repair the screen, to the client will only be shown the available dates for the appointment from a week on since the moment of the booking.

So, when the clients go to their appointment with the workshop, the employee will know in advance that they need the reparation of their celphone screen nad will have prepared all the needed products or articles to make it. The waiting times are reduced, the reparation process streamlines and the client is satisfied with the service.

The Multicentre version is other of the advantages that Bookitit contributes to this sector. In case that your reparation services businsess has got several workshops located in a city or all over the country, you can control them from a superior administrator account.

Inside this superior administrator account you can manage all the accounts associated to all the workshops. So, from here it is possible to have a better control of the business with, for example, the chance of getting total reports of all the centres together. Each one of the workshops will be able to keep managing itself with its Bookitit account since each one of these accounts works as an individual standard account to establish it own schedule, its services, its calendars, etc.