Novo recurso: histórico de rastreamento de clientes ou pacientes

A partir de agora, o sistema de reservas online da Bookitit permite que você acompanhe seus clientes/pacientes criando diferentes históricos e anotando comentários ordenados por data. A partir da Lista de Clientes, pode aceder à secção Histórico de Rastreamento, onde...

New feature: Customer / Patient tracking history

Now Bookitit online booking system allows you tracking your clients / patients by creating different histories and writing down comments displayed by date with ENCRYPTED DATA. Accessing from the Client List, you can access the Tracking History...


From now on, in the Bookitit online booking and appointment application, you have the possibility of configure agendas with the option that your clients must confirm attendance at the appointment they have pending. You can configure this new functionality so that...
Online booking and billing system · Debt Management

Online booking and billing system · Debt Management

With the bookitit online Booking System you can now manage the debts generated in your business. The Debt section depends directly on Charges management. If you want to know more about how to manage Charges, click on the following...
Online booking and billing system · Cash Register Management

Online booking and billing system · Cash Register Management

The Bookitit online reservation system launches a new module in its billing section. Now on you will be able to manage the cash of your company, managing the flow of your income and withdrawals, writing the concept, the agenda to the that the movement is related,...