To configure the independent schedule for each agenda, access the Bookitit Control Panel and, from here, go to My Agendas. Here you will see a list of all the agendas you have previously created.
Here, select the clock icon – the fifth from the left – located to the right of each of the schedules. You will be directed to a new screen from where you will start the configuration.
This screen will display a schedule from Monday to Sunday from 00:00 23:45 separated, in the same way, into 15-minute intervals. On this, it will show in green the boxes in which your center is open and which you have previously configured as indicated in the previous step. The rest of the boxes will appear as “Closed” and in gray.
To configure the schedule for each of the agendas, within the boxes in which the center is open, you must configure whether in that time interval the agenda is available to receive online appointments or not. If the agenda is not available at a certain time, even though the center is open, you must select that/those checkbox(es) as “Not online”.
The process to follow is as follows:
Make sure that among the buttons at the top of the screen, “No Online” is selected. If it is selected correctly, the button will be marked in green. Once the Not Online option is checked, go to the box where the agenda will not be available and click on it.
If you prefer to do this process more quickly and select more than one box at the same time, hold down on the box and, without releasing the mouse, drag the mouse to other boxes. If the procedure was successful, the boxes will appear as “Not online”.
If you want to display the boxes in which the address book is available to receive online bookings, select the “Online” button at the top of the screen and perform the same procedure as described above.
Once you have configured the independent schedules for each agenda, when the client chooses the day and date in the booking process, only the times you have just configured will be shown as available.