The fields required to create a customer can be modified. That is, they can be removed or added if desired, or they can be configured as mandatory or optional to be filled in by the user. Thus, if you wish to customize these fields, please contact us.
- Getting Started
- Schedule configuration
- Services Configuration
- Agendas Configuration
- Online Booking
- Online booking
- Receive appointments from my Facebook page
- Receive appointments from my Instagram page
- «Reserve with Google» Button
- Receive online reservations from GOOGLE
- Offer availability every X amount of time
- Change booking widget language
- Separate booking links per service
- Independent booking links by agenda
- Integration code filtering services or calendars
- I do not want users to register
- Show available slots in group appointments
- Customize reservation fields
- Customize booking privacy policy
- Security
- Add pixels or tracking codes
- Manage the calendar
- Email and SMS notifications
- Holidays and blocking
- Customize sing and notifications
- Packages management
- Customers list
- Billing
- Payment gateway
- Synchronize with other calendars
- Appointment in advance and cancellation
- Confirmation of appointments
- Reports and statistics
- Worker access permits
- Validate online appointments
- Online reservations for members only
- My account information